No Regrets: An Open Letter to all Brides

Dear Brides,

I get it, planning a wedding is hard. From the moment you slip that ring on, it’s almost like you fall into an alternate universe. You are living your normal life and at the same time making dozens of decions that will affect your big day. Lovelies, I need you to hear me: it is your day, and these decisions are yours (and maybe your fiancés) to make.

Social media is a great place to get inspiration, find vendors, and even good deals for your wedding. It may not be the best place to ask for advice. Every day I see brides posting things like “do you think I should…”, “is it OK to…”, or “I wish I could…”. I’m sure the commentors all mean well, but most of them don’t know you and the advice they throw out will have no bearing on their lives.

Brides, my sincerest wish for you is that you will have the wedding your heart desires with NO REGRETS. If you love burlap and lace: use it! Do you have an adorable pooch you want to include? By all means, do so. I’ve been married for almost 11 years, and I still carry a laundry list of things I wish I would have done differently. I don’t want that for you.

So, make your lists and pin your photos, but don’t retreat. Boldly make your decisions and you will leave your wedding with no regrets.